Division of Music Education

Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education,  Department of Music Education, Music Teaching The main purpose of the program is to train qualified and self-educated music teachers who are open to development in the field of music education. The education period is 4 years and the language is Turkish.

After obtaining the condition of being in the first eight hundred thousand success points from Y-TYT. Students are admitted with a special talent exam that includes the dimensions of musical hearing, musical playing and musical singing.

In the Music Teaching Program, there are compulsory and elective courses consisting of "Music Field Knowledge and Skills", "Music Culture", "Professional Knowledge" and "General Culture" courses and covering almost all dimensions of music.

Music Education Program

Students graduating from the Department work as teachers in public or private schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education. They can have an academic career opportunity with the opportunity of graduate education and also work as art consultants in various public and private institutions/organizations.

Aims: The Music Education Department will provide our society, children and youth with quality music education in school and out-of-school environments. It aims to train qualified and creative music teachers, who have an analytical mindset, are researchers, are open to innovations, have a strong theoretical background and practical knowledge, can use their instrument and voice very well, and are prone to individual and group work.

In line with this purpose, Music Education Department students are expected to develop their intellectual, emotional and physical competencies and creative aspects at the highest level and to educate themselves as successful individuals equipped with contemporary artistic values.

Objectives: The Department of Education, which provides education in line with contemporary artistic values ​​and international standards, adheres to the basic values ​​of the University, supports strong university-alumni cooperation, cooperates with the world of education and music, supports the efforts of our academic staff and students to realize their own goals, It plans to continue its development within a corporate structure that it identifies with its goals. In order to keep this goal alive and dynamic, the Department aims to create a corporate culture with an individual and teamwork spirit, aiming for lifelong learning, by following the innovations in the field of music education at national and international levels.


  Academic Staff Phone Number E-mail
Head of the Division  Prof. Dr. Süleyman Cem ŞAKTANLI

0(242) 510 6130 / 3120


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Mutlu TERZİOĞLU

0(242) 510 6130 / 3107 mutlu.terzioglu@alanya.edu.tr

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eren LEHİMLER

0(242) 510 6130 / 3105 eren.lehimler@alanya.edu.tr

Asst. Prof. Dr.  Zhanna AKTÜRK

0(242) 510 6130 / 3106 zhanna.akturk@alanya.edu.tr